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40 things to do Before I'm 40

Ok I have seen a few people doing this on their blogs and I am now jumping on the band-wagon as I am now 34 I thought this is something I should probably think about now, giving myself ample time to compile a list and complete the tasks. So this will be a working progress. Please feel free to make suggestions. Note I don't like heights and have absolutely no desire to do crazy extreme stuff like jumping out of a plane or anything else of that sort (yes, boring I know!!).

1. Run a Marathon
2. Go skiing and stay in a log cabin 
3. Visit Paris
4. Learn to ride a bike (yes embarrassing I know, blame the parents!!)
5. Go back to New York
6. Go to the opera/ballet
7. Go Camping in Oman (My sister lives here and a visit is well over-due)
8. Take an evening photography course and/or creative writing course.
9. Ride the Orient express
10. Get something published somewhere other than my own blog
11. Bring kids to Disney World
12. Run a Half marathon (ok i know its kind of cheating cause I already did it but its still an achievement :P)
13. Go to Glastonbury 

Ok thats all I have for now. I probably should add winning the lotto too. I need to think of some cheaper ideas!! :)

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